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A New Leaf (1971)

Original title: a new leaf
Production: USA|102 min
Comedy, Comic, Romantic
Poster of movie A New Leaf
henry graham lives the life of a playboy. when his lawyer tells him one day that his lifestyle has consumed all his funds, he needs an idea to avoid climbing down the social ladder. so he intends to marry a rich woman and - murder her.


Elaine MayElaine Mayregista

Production and Screenplay

Elaine MayElaine Maysceneggiatore
Jack Ritchiescrittore
Joe Mandukeproduttore
Howard W. KochHoward W. Kochproduttore
Joseph Mandukeproduttore
Hillard Elkinsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Walter MatthauWalter Matthau(età:51)
(henry graham)
Elaine MayElaine May(età:39)
(enrichetta lowell)
Jack WestonJack Weston(età:47)
(andy mcpherson)
George Rose(età:51)
James CocoJames Coco(età:41)
(zio harry)
Graham JarvisGraham Jarvis(età:41)
William RedfieldWilliam Redfield(età:44)
David DoyleDavid Doyle(età:42)
Fred Stewart(età:65)
Jess Osuna(età:43)
John O'LearyJohn O'Leary(età:45)
Doris RobertsDoris Roberts(età:46)
Rose Arrick(età:43)
Conrad BainConrad Bain(età:48)
Renée TaylorRenée Taylor(età:38)
Trent Gough(età:34)

Technical staff

Neal Heftimusiche
Don Guidicemontatore
Donald Guidicemontatore
ManFredric Steinkampmontatore
Gayne Rescherdirettore della fotografia
Warren Clymerscenografo
Anthea Sylbertcostumista
Irving Buchmantruccatore
Edward Beyermontatore
Jack Pettytruccatore
Phil Nasoparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1971)