Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a one and a two (2000)

Original title: yi yi
173 min|
Poster of movie a one and a two
nj jans, his wife min min and their two children are a taiwanese family living in an apartment in taipei. the world begins to crumble around them when min min's brother's wedding day the elderly grandmother is hospitalized in a coma, nj meets his first love after twenty years, his wife has a nervous breakdown, his daughter ting ting begins to having his first turbulent love affairs, son yang yang gets into trouble at school and a young man living in the family's building, disappointed with life, commits a crime. but among all the problems, the protagonists will learn that there is always a good reason to return to hope.

Festivals and awards


Edward Yangregista

Production and Screenplay

Edward Yangsceneggiatore
Shinya Kawaiiproduttore
Naoko Tsudekaproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Ting Ting, figlia adolescente
Nj Jians
signor Ota
Min Min, la moglie
Yang Yang, figlio piccolo
signora Jiang
Issey OgataIssey Ogata(età:48)
Nien-Jen Wu(età:48)

Technical staff

Weihan Yangdirettore della fotografia
Kailli Pengscenografo
Kailli Pengmusiche
Bowen Chenmontatore
Fan Jingyuncostumista