Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a patch of blue (1965)

Original title: a patch of blue
Production: USA|120 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards


Guy GreenGuy Greenregista

Production and Screenplay

Guy GreenGuy Greensceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

gordon ralfe
rose-ann d'arcy
selina d'arcy
ole pa
Wallace FordWallace Ford(età:67)
mark ralfe
Ivan DixonIvan Dixon(età:34)
signor faber
John QualenJohn Qualen(età:66)
Kelly Flynn(età:19)
Renata Vanni(età:56)

Technical staff

Henry GraceHenry Gracescenografo
Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmithmusiche
Robert BurksRobert Burksdirettore della fotografia
Urie McclearyUrie Mcclearyscenografo
ManCharles S.thompsonscenografo
ManGeorge W. Davisscenografo
Rita Rolandmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1965)