Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a/r andata + ritorno (2004)

Original title: a/r andata + ritorno
Production: Italy|96 min|
Comedy, Romantic
dante is a pony express by bicycle, born and lived in a big city, from which he never came out. nina was born in spain and grew up in the clouds, a professional hostess. they are both 25 years old and have a life to review. dante wants to leave and not come back and to do so he asks to lend money to very dangerous people, with the intention not to return them. fate, thanks to a city completely blocked by a general strike, decides however that dante and nina must meet. the love story becomes a race against time to return the money and close the account with the past.

Festivals and awards


Alessandro PaciAlessandro Paciregista
Marco PontiMarco Pontiregista

Production and Screenplay

Marco PontiMarco Pontisceneggiatore
Roberto Buttafarroproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Dante Cruciani
Mandala TaydeMandala Tayde(età:29)
scagnozzo di skorpio
Kabir BediKabir Bedi(età:58)
padre di Dante
Remo GironeRemo Girone(età:56)
uomo in bianco
Ugo ContiUgo Conti(età:49)
receptionist grand hotel
Mao GurlinoMao Gurlino(età:33)
greta receptionist pony express
Fabio TroianoFabio Troiano(età:30)
Babbo Natale
receptionist del Grand Hotel
Mao GurlinoMao Gurlino(età:33)
Renzo Lori(età:73)
marito di Celia
donna bionda
Simona NasiSimona Nasi(età:30)
Numero Uno
cameriera del bar Pinoxto
Mandala TaydeMandala Tayde(età:29)
Jean Luc
Remo RemottiRemo Remotti(età:80)
Diego Casale(età:33)

Technical staff

Marcello Montarsidirettore della fotografia
Alessandro Laicostumista
Walter FasanoWalter Fasanomontatore
Walter Fasasnomontatore