Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Scandal in Bohemia (1984)

Original title: a scandal in bohemia
52 min| tv series
Dramatic, Crime, Mystery
sherlock holmes finds himself evenly matched when he is employed by the king of bohemia to retrieve an indiscreet photograph from the american actress and singer, irene adler.


Paul Annettregista

Production and Screenplay

Stuart Doughtyproduttore
Michael Coxproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:51)
Wolf KahlerWolf Kahler(età:44)
David Burke(età:50)
Tim Pearce(età:49)
Will Tacey(età:36)
Tom Watt(età:28)
Tessa Worsley(età:52)

Technical staff

Patrick Gowersmusiche
Katy Turnercostumista
Deborah Tinseytruccatore
Margaret Coombesscenografo
Mike Popleydirettore della fotografia
Michael Grimesscenografo
Tim Wildingscenografo
Sue Miltontruccatore
Jack Dardismontatore