Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a town called bastard (1971)

Original title: a town called bastard
Production: UK, Spain, USA|95 min
Western, Action, Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie a town called bastard
a group of mexican revolutionaries murders a town priest and a number of his christian followers. ten years later, a widow arrives in town intent to take revenge from her husband's killers.


Robert ParrishRobert Parrishregista
Irving Lernerregista

Production and Screenplay

Benjamin Fiszproduttore
Benjamin Fiszsceneggiatore
Benjamin Fiszscrittore
Richard Aubreysceneggiatore
Richard Aubreyscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Aldo SambrellAldo Sambrell(età:40)
Fernando ReyFernando Rey(età:54)
Martin LandauMartin Landau(età:40)
Robert ShawRobert Shaw(età:44)
Telly SavalasTelly Savalas(età:49)
Al LettieriAl Lettieri(età:43)
Michael CraigMichael Craig(età:43)
John Clark(età:39)
Tony Vogel(età:29)
Charly Bravo(età:28)
Vicente Soler(età:68)
Dudley SuttonDudley Sutton(età:38)
Tony Cyrus(età:43)
George RigaudGeorge Rigaud(età:66)
Tito Garcia(età:40)
Cass Martin(età:34)
Paloma Cela(età:28)

Technical staff

Maude Spectorcasting
Manuel Berenguerdirettore della fotografia
Manuel Baqueroeffetti speciali
Julio Molinascenografo
Julio Molinaarredatore
Charles Simmingercostumista
Alice Pollockcostumista
Germán Quejidoscenografo
Germán Quejidoarredatore
Ossie Clarkcostumista
Ruijun Litruccatore

Voices and Dubbing