Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a woman's life (2016)

Original title: une vie
Production: Belgium, France|119 min
Poster of movie a woman's life
a fragmented account of the life of jeanne as she sets out on the path of adult life and gradually experiences the harsh realities of a woman's life in the 19th-century.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Jean-Louis Liviproduttore
Florence Vignonsceneggiatore
Stéphane BrizéStéphane Brizésceneggiatore
Milena Poyloproduttore
Gilles Sacutoproduttore
Philippe Logieproduttore
Olivier Bronckartproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Nina MeurisseNina Meurisse(età:28)
paul de lamare (20 anni)
georges de fourville
gilberte de fourville
l'abate picot
julien lamare
Swann ArlaudSwann Arlaud(età:35)
simon-jacques le perthuis des vauds
la baronessa adélaïde le perthuis des vauds
jeanne le perthuis des vauds
Judith ChemlaJudith Chemla(età:31)
voix cousine rose

Technical staff

Madeline Fontainecostumista
Brigitte Moidoncasting
Antoine Heberledirettore della fotografia
Anne Klotzmontatore
Valérie Saradjianscenografo
Olivier Baumontmusiche
Coralie Amedeocasting
Garance Van Rossumtruccatore
Virginie Berlandparrucchiere
Sandra Campisitruccatore

Voices and Dubbing