Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Zed and Two Noughts (1985)

Original title: a zed and two noughts
Production: UK, Paesi Bassi|115 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Psychological
Poster of movie A Zed and Two Noughts
twin zoologists lose their wives in a car accident and become obsessed with decomposing animals.


Peter GreenawayPeter Greenawayregista

Production and Screenplay

Peter GreenawayPeter Greenawaysceneggiatore
Peter GreenawayPeter Greenawayscrittore
Kees Kasanderproduttore
Peter Sainsburyproduttore
Walter Donohuesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

himself - documentary narrator
alba bewick
oswald deuce
Brian DeaconBrian Deacon(età:36)
oliver deuce
Eric DeaconEric Deacon(età:35)
venere di milo
van hoyten
Joss AcklandJoss Ackland(età:57)
Wolf KahlerWolf Kahler(età:45)
Ken Campbell(età:44)
ManJim Davidson(età:32)

Technical staff

Michael NymanMichael Nymanmusiche
John Wilsonmontatore
Sacha ViernySacha Viernydirettore della fotografia
Jan Roelfsscenografo
Sara Meermantruccatore
Ben Van osscenografo
Dien Van straalencostumista
Marco Leonzitruccatore
Floris Schullertruccatore
Patricia Limcostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1985)

Alessandro RossiAlessandro Rossi Voice of chirurgo