Database of cinema, music, history and literature

abbandono (1940)

Original title: abbandono
Production: Italy|100 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Romantic, Storico
in the early 1800s, in a family of shipowners, the eldest son, sea captain, married a girl known in trinidad whose mother had in the past had a life not very clear. the girl is received rather coldly above all by her brother-in-law, but tries by all means to be accepted, reaching the point of covering the escapades of her husband's sister and, when he is absent, she gets caught at a date in place of her sister. expelled from home by her husband when the journey returns, her reputation as a good girl will come to light when the sister-in-law, on the verge of death following an accident, will tell the truth.


Mario MattoliMario Mattoliregista
StenoStenoaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Mario MattoliMario Mattolisceneggiatore
Gaetano Rizzardiproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Corinne LuchaireCorinne Luchaire(età:19)
George RigaudGeorge Rigaud(età:35)
(il capitano stefano courier)
George RigaudGeorge Rigaud(età:35)
(Stefano Courier)
Maria DenisMaria Denis(età:24)
(maria, sua sorella)
Lia OrlandiniLia Orlandini(età:44)
(la signora courier)
Maria DenisMaria Denis(età:24)
(Maria Courier)
Enrico GloriEnrico Glori(età:39)
(il marito di maria)
Camillo PilottoCamillo Pilotto(età:52)
Enrico GloriEnrico Glori(età:39)
(marito di Maria)
Nino MarchesiniNino Marchesini(età:45)
(il medico)
Nerio BernardiNerio Bernardi(età:51)
Lia OrlandiniLia Orlandini(età:44)
(signora Courier)
Osvaldo ValentiOsvaldo Valenti(età:34)
Sandro RuffiniSandro Ruffini(età:51)
(Pierre Courier)
Giulietta De riso(età:42)
Carlo DuseCarlo Duse(età:42)
Nino MarchesiniNino Marchesini(età:45)
Nino PaveseNino Pavese(età:36)
Eugenio DuseEugenio Duse(età:51)

Technical staff

Sergio GriecoSergio Griecosegretario di edizione
Mario SerandreiMario Serandreimontatore
Jan Stallichdirettore della fotografia
ManMario Rappinicostumista
Guido FioriniGuido Fioriniscenografo
Carlo Bugianidirettore di produzione

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1940)

Version Originale(1940)