Database of cinema, music, history and literature

abbandono (1940)

Original title: abbandono
Production: Italy|100 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Romantic, Storico
in the early 1800s, in a family of shipowners, the eldest son, sea captain, married a girl known in trinidad whose mother had in the past had a life not very clear. the girl is received rather coldly above all by her brother-in-law, but tries by all means to be accepted, reaching the point of covering the escapades of her husband's sister and, when he is absent, she gets caught at a date in place of her sister. expelled from home by her husband when the journey returns, her reputation as a good girl will come to light when the sister-in-law, on the verge of death following an accident, will tell the truth.


Mario MattoliMario Mattoliregista
StenoStenoaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Mario MattoliMario Mattolisceneggiatore
Gaetano Rizzardiproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

il capitano stefano courier
George RigaudGeorge Rigaud(età:35)
Stefano Courier
George RigaudGeorge Rigaud(età:35)
maria, sua sorella
Maria DenisMaria Denis(età:24)
Maria Courier
Maria DenisMaria Denis(età:24)
la signora courier
Lia OrlandiniLia Orlandini(età:44)
il marito di maria
Enrico GloriEnrico Glori(età:39)
il medico
marito di Maria
Enrico GloriEnrico Glori(età:39)
signora Courier
Lia OrlandiniLia Orlandini(età:44)
Pierre Courier
Carlo DuseCarlo Duse(età:42)
Nino PaveseNino Pavese(età:36)
Eugenio DuseEugenio Duse(età:51)

Technical staff

Sergio GriecoSergio Griecosegretario di edizione
Mario SerandreiMario Serandreimontatore
Jan Stallichdirettore della fotografia
ManMario Rappinicostumista
Guido FioriniGuido Fioriniscenografo
Carlo Bugianidirettore di produzione

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1940)

Version Originale(1940)