Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Abominable (2019)

Original title: abominable
Production: USA|97 min
Animation, Comedy, Adventure
Poster of movie Abominable
a magical yeti must return to his family.

Festivals and awards


Jill Cultonregista
Todd Wildermanregista

Production and Screenplay

Tim Johnsonproduttore esecutivo
Dave Polskyproduttore
Jill Cultonscrittore
Peilin Chouproduttore
Suzanne Buirgyproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

dottoressa zara
nai nai
madre di yi
comandante goon
yak leader
teenage girl #1 / boy's mom / female customer
teenage boy
van driver / goon
dog lady / dock worker / goon
jin impersonator / goon
everest humming
additional voices

Technical staff

Susan Fitzermontatore
Christi Sopercasting
Robert Edward Crawforddirettore della fotografia
Paul Duncanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2019)

Federica De BortoliFederica De Bortoli Voice of madre di yi
Stefano BenassiStefano Benassi Voice of burnish
Lavinia PaladinoLavinia Paladino Voice of yi
Carlo ScipioniCarlo Scipioni Voice of comandante goon
Ilaria StagniIlaria Stagni Voice of dottoressa zara
Luca Tesei Voice of peng
Graziella PolesinantiGraziella Polesinanti Voice of nai nai
Alex PolidoriAlex Polidori Voice of Jin

Version Originale(2019)

Tsai Chin (attrice)Tsai Chin (attrice) Voice of nai nai
Albert TsaiAlbert Tsai Voice of peng
Michelle WongMichelle Wong Voice of madre di yi
Chloe BennetChloe Bennet Voice of yi
Sarah PaulsonSarah Paulson Voice of dottoressa zara
Rich Dietl Voice of comandante goon
Eddie IzzardEddie Izzard Voice of burnish