Database of cinema, music, history and literature

about adam (2000)

Original title: about adam
Production: USA|105 min|
Comedy, Romantic
the charming adam conquers in dublin the nice bar singer lucy owen. but the embarrassing problem is that, in addition to her, all the members of the owen family fall in love with him: her mother, two sisters and even a brother.


Production and Screenplay

Gerard Stembridgesceneggiatore
Anna J.devlinproduttore
Marina Hughesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Tommy TiernanTommy Tiernan(età:31)
lucy owens
Kate HudsonKate Hudson(età:21)
laura owens
primo cliente
secondo cliente
peggy owens
alice owens rooney
david owens
martin rooney
Conte Dracula
prof. harry mccormick

Technical staff

Adrian Johnstonmusiche
Susie Cullenscenografo
Mary Finlaymontatore
Bruno De keyzerBruno De keyzerdirettore della fotografia
Fiona Dalyscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)