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about schmidt (2002)

Original title: about schmidt
Production: USA|125 min|
Comedy, Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie about schmidt
after an entire career spent inside a large insurance company, warren schmidt is forced to retire, an event that in practice empties his life. his only daughter jeannie is going to marry a man that warren despises and considers a fool. finally his wife dies suddenly, after 42 years of marriage. warren throws himself so desperately in search of something that can still make sense of his ordinary and banal life. he decides to embark on a journey through nebraska to discover himself and his roots, aboard the camper van he had bought for his planned trips with his wife.

Festivals and awards


Alexander PayneAlexander Payneregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Besmanproduttore
Alexander PayneAlexander Paynesceneggiatore
Harry Gittesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jack NicholsonJack Nicholson(età:65)
(Warren Schmidt)
Connie Ray(età:46)
(vicki rusk)
Hope DavisHope Davis(età:38)
(Jeannie Schmidt)
Harry GroenerHarry Groener(età:51)
(john rusk)
June SquibbJune Squibb(età:73)
(Helen Schmidt)
Mark Venhuizen
(duncan hertzel)
Dermot MulroneyDermot Mulroney(età:39)
(Randall Hertzel)
James Crawley
(dave godberson)
Kathy BatesKathy Bates(età:54)
(Roberta Hertzel)
Tung Ha
(phil choi)
Howard HessemanHoward Hesseman(età:62)
(Larry Hertzel)
Len CariouLen Cariou(età:63)
(Ray Nichols)
Chris Huse(età:23)
(chuck woodard)
Phil ReevesPhil Reeves(età:49)
(ministro di denver)
Matt WinstonMatt Winston(età:32)
(gary nordin)
Angela LansburyAngela Lansbury(età:77)
(Se stessa)
Steve Heller(età:40)
howard hesseman
angela lansbury (se stessa)

Technical staff

James Glennondirettore della fotografia
Rolfe Kentmusiche
Kevin Tentmontatore
Wendy Chuckcostumista
Jane Ann Stewartscenografo
Carrie Anglandtruccatore
Angie Paultruccatore
Danielle Cunninghamtruccatore
Emjay Olsontruccatore
Eric Satiemusiche
Jeanne Van phuetruccatore
Lisa Brockman-kalztruccatore
Stacy Heatherlytruccatore
Erik Satiemusiche
Joy Zapatatruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)

Sandro IovinoSandro Iovino Voice of howard hesseman
Alina MoradeiAlina Moradei Voice of angela lansbury (se stessa)