Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Farewell, Friend (1968)

Original title: adieu l'ami
Production: France, Italy|115 min
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie Farewell, Friend
after an overseas deployment, two former french foreign legion members plan to break into the vault of a french corporation.

Origin of the subject


Jean Hermanregista

Production and Screenplay

Serge Silbermanproduttore
Jean Hermansceneggiatore
Sebastien JaprisotSebastien Japrisotsceneggiatore
Sebastien JaprisotSebastien Japrisotscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Jean-claude Ballard
(agente di polizia)
Marianna Falk
Ellen Bahl
Alain DelonAlain Delon(età:33)
(dino barran)
Charles BronsonCharles Bronson(età:48)
(franz propp)
Olga Georges picotOlga Georges picot(età:28)
(isabelle moreau)
Bernard FressonBernard Fresson(età:37)
(isp. meloutis)
Brigitte FosseyBrigitte Fossey(età:22)
(waterloo ")
Guy Delorme(età:39)
Raoul Guylad(età:38)
Antoine Baud(età:43)
Stephane BouyStephane Bouy(età:27)
André Dumas(età:47)

Technical staff

Jean-jacques Tarbèsdirettore della fotografia
Jacques Dugiedscenografo
Tanine Autrécostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1968)