Database of cinema, music, history and literature

ADN (2020)

Original title: adn
Production: Algeria, France|90 min
Dramatic, Storico
Poster of movie ADN
after the loss of her grandfather, maã¯wenn explores her heritage and her algerian roots.

Festivals and awards



Production and Screenplay

Mathieu DemyMathieu Demysceneggiatore
Pascal Caucheteuxproduttore
Olivier Pèreproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Fanny ArdantFanny Ardant(età:71)
Louis GarrelLouis Garrel(età:37)
Marine VacthMarine Vacth(età:29)
Dylan Robert(età:20)

Technical staff

Stephen Warbeckmusiche
Estelle Tolstoukineparrucchiere
Laure Gardettemontatore
Sylvestre Dedisedirettore della fotografia
Julie Allionecasting
Fares Hanedparrucchiere