Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Adults in the Room (2019)

Original title: adults in the room
Production: France|124 min
Dramatic, Historical, Political
Poster of movie Adults in the Room
greece in 2015: the economy is in tatters and the country is on the verge of bankruptcy. a new government rebels against the eu's iron-fisted rule and inspires millions of europeans. based on the political memoirs of yanis varoufakis.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject



Production and Screenplay

Kostas Lambropoulosproduttore esecutivo
Brahim Chiouaproduttore
Michèle Ray-Gavrasproduttore
Alexandre Gavrasproduttore
Manos Kreziasproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

christine lagarde
pierre moscovici
danai varoufakis
eukleidis tsakalotos
stefanos manos
mario draghi
leader della troika
George Lenz(età:52)
gianis varoufakis
wolfgang schäuble
Ulrich TukurUlrich Tukur(età:62)
jeroen dijsselbloem
Jessica Forde(età:53)
Ronald AdamRonald Adam(età:123)
Colin Stinton(età:72)
Henrik BirchHenrik Birch(età:63)
Nikos Psarras(età:48)

Technical staff

Jina Jaycasting
Giorgos ArvanitisGiorgos Arvanitisdirettore della fotografia
Philippe Chiffrescenografo
Agis Panagiôtoucostumista
Jessie Frostcasting
Makis Gaziscasting
Spyros Laskarisscenografo
Ioanna Lygizoutruccatore
Giannis Pamoukistruccatore
Isabelle Vernustruccatore