Database of cinema, music, history and literature

adventures of captain fabian (1951)

Original title: adventures of captain fabian
Production: USA|100 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Adventure


Robert FloreyRobert Floreyregista

Characters and Interpreters

Errol Flynn
Errol FlynnErrol Flynn(età:42)
micheline presle
vincent price
Vincent PriceVincent Price(età:40)
Agnes Moorehead
victor francen
héléna manson
howard vernon
Howard VernonHoward Vernon(età:37)
roger blin
Roger BlinRoger Blin(età:44)
georges flateau
zanie campan
reggie nalder
Reggie NalderReggie Nalder(età:44)

Technical staff

Marcel Grignondirettore della fotografia
Max Douyscenografo
Eugène LouriéEugène Louriéscenografo
Henri Tavernamontatore
René Cloerecmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1950)