Database of cinema, music, history and literature

agents secrets (2004)

Original title: agents secrets
Production: France, Italy, Spain|109 min
Thriller, Action, Spying
Poster of movie agents secrets
two secret agents moving between spain, france and morocco, try to steal information on a trafficking of arms and diamonds between africa and europe.


Production and Screenplay

Jean Cosmossceneggiatore
Ludovic Schoendoerffersceneggiatore
Yann Brionsceneggiatore
Eric NeveEric Neveproduttore
Frederic SchoendoerfferFrederic Schoendoerffersceneggiatore
Olivier Douyeresceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

georges brisseau
colonnello Grasset
maria mendez
Igor Lipovsky
Veronique Lipovsky
Maria Menendez
Naiwa Nimri(età:32)
Simon AndreuSimon Andreu(età:63)
Rosanna WallsRosanna Walls(età:29)
Jo PrestiaJo Prestia(età:44)

Technical staff

Baptiste Poirotscenografo
Bruno CoulaisBruno Coulaismusiche
Virginie Montelcostumista
Olivier Carbonecasting
Irene Blecuamontatore
Nicole Ferraricostumista
Jean-Pierre Sauvairedirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)