Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Storm Center (1956)

Original title: storm center
Production: USA|85 min| black and white
Dramatic, Political
Poster of movie Storm Center
during the 1950s, a small-town librarian is shunned by the locals after she refuses the city council's request to remove a book on communism from the library's shelves.

Historical episodes of setting


Daniel TaradashDaniel Taradashregista

Production and Screenplay

Daniel TaradashDaniel Taradashsceneggiatore
Julian Blausteinproduttore
Elick Mollsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Bette DavisBette Davis(età:48)
(Alicia Hull)
Burt MustinBurt Mustin(età:72)
Michael RaffettoMichael Raffetto(età:57)
(Edgar Greenbaum)
Kevin CoughlinKevin Coughlin(età:11)
(Freddie Slater)
Joe MantellJoe Mantell(età:36)
(George Slater)
Paul   Ii KellyPaul Ii Kelly(età:57)
(giudice Robert Ellerbe)
Sally BrophySally Brophy(età:28)
(Laura Slater)
Kim HunterKim Hunter(età:34)
(Martha Lockridge)
Brian KeithBrian Keith(età:35)
(Paul Duncan)
Edward PlattEdward Platt(età:40)
(reverendo Wilson)
Howard WendellHoward Wendell(età:48)
(senatore Bascomb)
Curtis CookseyCurtis Cooksey(età:65)
(Stacey Martin)
Howard Wierum(età:46)
(sindaco levering)
Kathryn GrantKathryn Grant(età:23)
(hazel levering)
Joseph KearnsJoseph Kearns(età:49)
(signor morrisey)
Edith EvansonEdith Evanson(età:60)
Mildred Shay(età:45)
Pitt HerbertPitt Herbert(età:42)
Budd Buster(età:65)
Eddie Parker(età:56)
George Selk(età:63)
Joe Palma(età:51)

Technical staff

Burnett GuffeyBurnett Guffeydirettore della fotografia
George DuningGeorge Duningmusiche
Cary Odellscenografo
Clay Campbelltruccatore
William A. Lyonmontatore
Helen Huntparrucchiere
Frank A. Tuttlearredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1956)