Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Alice and the Mayor (2019)

Original title: alice et le maire
Production: Belgium, France|103 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie Alice and the Mayor
the mayor of lyon is in existential crisis. after 30 years in politics, he feels totally empty and devoid of ideas. as a fix for this problem, his aides bring a brilliant young philosopher, into his inner circle.

Festivals and awards


Nicolas PariserNicolas Pariserregista

Production and Screenplay

Nicolas PariserNicolas Parisersceneggiatore
Genevieve Lemalproduttore
Olivier Pèreproduttore
Emmanuel Agnerayproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Maud WylerMaud Wyler(età:37)
WomanNora Hamzawi(età:36)
Eric Soubelet(età:56)

Technical staff

Wouter Zoonscenografo
Sébastien Buchmanndirettore della fotografia
Christel Dewyntermontatore
Franck-Pascal Alquinetparrucchiere
Sylvie Mathevetparrucchiere