Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Alien Thunder (1974)

Original title: alien thunder
Production: USA|93 min
Action, Western, Comedy
Poster of movie Alien Thunder


Claude FournierClaude Fournierregista

Production and Screenplay

Claude FournierClaude Fournierscrittore
George Malkosceneggiatore
Marie-josé Raymondproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jack Creley(età:48)
Jean Duceppe(età:51)
Antony Parr(età:49)

Technical staff

Georges DelerueGeorges Deleruemusiche
Anne Pritchardscenografo
Claude FournierClaude Fournierdirettore della fotografia
Fred C. blau jr.Fred C. blau jr.truccatore