Database of cinema, music, history and literature

alien vs. predator (2004)

Original title: alien vs. predator
Production: USA|101 min
Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Horror
Poster of movie alien vs. predator
an international team of archaeologists, scientists and security experts, led by alexa 'lex' woods, environmentalist and explorer, together with the athletic archaeologist sebastian de rosa, discovers at about 600 meters of depth, under the antarctic ice sheet , a pyramid that bears traces of the aztec, egyptian and cambodian cultures. inside the pyramid the predators kept an alien queen alive, who laid eggs at 100-year intervals. the young predators warriors are trained precisely by fighting against the offspring of the aliens. the team, in short, has discovered, and is a witness to, an incredible rite of passage, as well as a real war between aliens and predators.
This movie is episode 1 of the series alien vs predator composed by:


Production and Screenplay

David Gilerproduttore
Mike Richardsonproduttore esecutivo
Gordon Carrollproduttore
John DavisJohn Davisproduttore
Lawrence Gordonproduttore
Thomas M.hammelproduttore esecutivo
Matthew Stillmanproduttore
Shane Salernosceneggiatore
Giacomo Sticcaproduttore
Chris Symesproduttore
Harald KloserHarald Klosersceneggiatore
Wyck Godfreyproduttore esecutivo
David Minkowskiproduttore
Henning Molfenterproduttore
Walter HillWalter Hillproduttore
Paul W.S. AndersonPaul W.S. Andersonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Sanaa LathanSanaa Lathan(età:33)
(Alexa Woods)
Raoul BovaRaoul Bova(età:33)
(sebastian de rosa)
Lance HenriksenLance Henriksen(età:64)
(Charles Bishop Weyland)
Ewen BremnerEwen Bremner(età:32)
(Graeme Miller)
Colin SalmonColin Salmon(età:42)
(Maxwell Stafford)
Sam TroughtonSam Troughton(età:27)
(Thomas Parks)
Tommy FlanaganTommy Flanagan(età:39)
(Mark Verheiden)
Liz May briceLiz May brice(età:29)
Petr Jakl(età:63)
Pavel BezdekPavel Bezdek(età:39)
Kieran Bew(età:24)

Technical staff

Alec GillisAlec Gilliseffetti speciali
Suzanne Smithcasting
Magali Guidascicostumista
Peter Walpolescenografo
Donna Isaacsoncasting
Harald KloserHarald Klosermusiche
Nancy Bishopcasting
Richard Bridglandscenografo
Milena Koubkovascenografo
Alexander Bernermontatore
David Johnsondirettore della fotografia
Ivo StrangmüllerIvo Strangmüllertruccatore
ManTom Woodruff jr.effetti speciali

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)