Database of cinema, music, history and literature

All About Actresses (2009)

Original title: le bal des actrices
Production: France, UK
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie All About Actresses
while shooting a documentary about all kinds of actresses, the director falls for one of them.

Festivals and awards



Production and Screenplay

François KrausFrançois Krausproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jacques Weber(età:60)
Yvan AttalYvan Attal(età:44)
Karin ViardKarin Viard(età:43)
Boris TerralBoris Terral(età:40)
Muriel RobinMuriel Robin(età:54)
Linh-Dan PhamLinh-Dan Pham(età:35)
Marie Kremer(età:27)
Karole RocherKarole Rocher(età:35)
Marina FoïsMarina Foïs(età:39)
Samir GuesmiSamir Guesmi(età:42)
Nina Morato(età:43)

Technical staff

Gabriel YaredGabriel Yaredmusiche
Estelle Tolstoukineparrucchiere
Laure Gardettemontatore
Pierre AimPierre Aimdirettore della fotografia
Marité Coutardcostumista
Karine Meyerparrucchiere
Nicolas Ronchicasting
Hyat Luszpinskicostumista
Maria Msikaarredatore