Database of cinema, music, history and literature

All About My Mother (1999)

Original title: todo sobre mi madre
Production: France, Spain|101 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Psychological
Poster of movie All About My Mother
manuela, a nurse, loses the only son in a car accident, esteban: it was the birthday of the boy, a seventeen-year-old aspiring writer, and together they went to the theater to see huma rojo in a performance of 'a tram called desire' . shocked by the pain, manuela decides to return from madrid to barcelona to track down the former partner, esteban, a transvestite who has not seen for eighteen years and who calls himself lola. taking refuge from agrado, a transsexual of whom she was once a friend, she finds the actress huma rojo, desperate for the addiction of her lover nina, and meets the young sister rosa, who discovers she is pregnant and hiv-positive.

Festivals and awards


Pedro AlmodovarPedro Almodovarregista

Production and Screenplay

Claude BerriClaude Berriproduttore
Michel Rubenproduttore
Pedro AlmodovarPedro Almodovarsceneggiatore
Pedro AlmodovarPedro Almodovarscrittore
Esther GarciaEsther Garciaproduttore
Agustin AlmodovarAgustin Almodovarproduttore
Agustin AlmodovarAgustin Almodovarproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Cecilia Roth(età:43)
esteban padre, detto lola
Toni Canto(età:34)
Penelope CruzPenelope Cruz(età:25)
Candela PenaCandela Pena(età:26)
Candela PenaCandela Pena(età:26)
madre di Rosa
Eloy AzorinEloy Azorin(età:22)
padre di Rosa
Carlos Lozano(età:37)
Anne BaxterAnne Baxter(età:76)
Bette DavisBette Davis(età:91)
Thelma RitterThelma Ritter(età:97)
Celeste HolmCeleste Holm(età:80)
Patxi FreytezPatxi Freytez(età:32)
Clara LagoClara Lago(età:9)
Fito Páez(età:36)
Manuel MorónManuel Morón(età:43)

Technical staff

José SalcedoJosé Salcedomontatore
Affonso BeatoAffonso Beatodirettore della fotografia
Miguel Rejastecnico del suono
Esther GarciaEsther Garciadirettore di produzione
Antxon Gomezscenografo
Bina DaigelerBina Daigelercostumista
Sara Bilbatuacasting
Antonio Molinaeffetti speciali
Diego Garridomixage
Jean-Jacques Puchuparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1999)