Database of cinema, music, history and literature

all the pretty horses (2000)

Original title: all the pretty horses
Production: USA|116 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Western
Poster of movie all the pretty horses
having lost his family ranch, texan john grady cole, together with his friend lacey, set off for mexico to start a life as a true cowboy. on the road they meet a misfit and a beautiful girl, daughter of a rich landowner. john's love for the girl will lead him to endanger his life.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Billy Bob ThorntonBilly Bob Thorntonproduttore
Sally MenkeSally Menkeproduttore esecutivo
Ted TallyTed Tallysceneggiatore
Robert Salernoproduttore
Jonathan Gordonproduttore esecutivo
Bruce Hellerproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Penelope CruzPenelope Cruz(età:26)
Matt DamonMatt Damon(età:30)
(John Grady Cole)
Henry ThomasHenry Thomas(età:29)
(Lacey Rawlins)
J.d. Young
Laura Poe
Sam ShepardSam Shepard(età:57)
(j.c. franklin)
Lucas BlackLucas Black(età:18)
(jimmy blevins)
Bruce DernBruce Dern(età:64)
Robert PatrickRobert Patrick(età:42)
Miriam ColonMiriam Colon(età:64)
Daniel Lanois(età:49)
Jesse PlemonsJesse Plemons(età:12)
Ruben BladesRuben Blades(età:52)

Technical staff

Daniel Lanoismusiche
Sally MenkeSally Menkemontatore
Clark Hunterscenografo
Douglas Hallcostumista
Joani Yarbroughparrucchiere
Barry Markowitzdirettore della fotografia
Mary VernieuMary Vernieucasting
Anne Mccarthycasting
Max Biscoescenografo
Kate Biscoetruccatore
Lynne K. eagantruccatore
Richard L. johnsonscenografo
Marty Stuartmusiche
Keith Sayertruccatore
Larry Paxtonmusiche
ManClinton Waynetruccatore
Nikoletta Skarlatostruccatore
Deborah Ann piperparrucchiere
Traci Kirshbaumarredatore
Melissa Forneyparrucchiere
Gabriella Pollinoparrucchiere
Jolynn Nietotruccatore
Gianna Sparacinoparrucchiere
Julie Janes-loveparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)