Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Amar (2017)

Original title: amar
105 min
Poster of movie Amar
laura and carlos love each other as if every day was the last, and perhaps that first love intensity is what will tear them apart a year later.

Festivals and awards


Esteban CrespoEsteban Cresporegista

Production and Screenplay

Esteban CrespoEsteban Cresposcrittore
Mario Fernandez Alonsosceneggiatore
María Amaroproduttore
Stefan Schmitzproduttore
Lara Tejelaproduttore
Cristian Guijarroproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Natalia TenaNatalia Tena(età:33)
Jorge Motos(età:18)

Technical staff

Montse Sanzscenografo
Ángel Amorósdirettore della fotografia
Adolfo Núñezmusiche
Vanessa Marimbertmontatore
Giovanna Ribescostumista
Esther Guillemparrucchiere
Piluca Guillemparrucchiere
Marta Arceparrucchiere