Database of cinema, music, history and literature

American Heist (2014)

Original title: american heist
Production: Canada|94 min
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie American Heist
james owes his life to his older brother, frankie after taking the rap for a crime they committed together. while frankie served time, james worked to turn his life around, got a steady job and began courting his former girlfriend emily. now, frankie is released and back on the streets with no money and no place to go.


Production and Screenplay

Jacques SernasJacques Sernasproduttore esecutivo
Tove Christensenproduttore
Raul Inglissceneggiatore
Joseph Nasserproduttore esecutivo
Sarik Andreasyanproduttore
Jojo RyderJojo Ryderproduttore esecutivo
Whitney Brownproduttore
Michael Wexlerproduttore esecutivo
Arcadiy Golubovichproduttore esecutivo
George Castrounisproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Tory KittlesTory Kittles(età:39)
frankie kelly
Adrien BrodyAdrien Brody(età:41)
Carol Sutton(età:70)
Rachel BilsonRachel Bilson(età:33)
Rod Maiorano(età:46)
Joseph Uzzell(età:55)

Technical staff

Donita Millerparrucchiere
Antonio Calvachedirettore della fotografia
Erica Kykertruccatore
Karola Dirnbergerparrucchiere
James A. gelardenscenografo
Bradford Johnsonarredatore
Paige Reevestruccatore
Lucy O'reillytruccatore
Janelle Scudericasting
Lee Grentruccatore
Liz Staubcostumista
Kiran Pallegaddamontatore
Spencer Davisonscenografo

Music tracks of the soundtrack