Database of cinema, music, history and literature

american psycho (2000)

Original title: american psycho
Production: Canada, USA|104 min|
Thriller, Dramatic, Violence
a young yuppie, not content with the female presence that revolves around him (girlfriend, lover and secretary), has the habit of taking himself to his luxury apartment of the girls who then kills sadistically.

Origin of the subject


Mary HarronMary Harronregista

Production and Screenplay

Guinevere Turnersceneggiatore
Mary HarronMary Harronsceneggiatore
Michael Paseornekproduttore
Edward R.pressmanEdward R.pressmanproduttore
Jeff Sackmanproduttore
Bret Easton EllisBret Easton Ellissceneggiatore
Alessandro Camonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Christian BaleChristian Bale(età:26)
(Patrick Bateman)
Chloe SevignyChloe Sevigny(età:26)
(Jean, segretaria di Patrick)
Willem DafoeWillem Dafoe(età:45)
(det. donald kimball)
Jared LetoJared Leto(età:29)
(paul allen)
Justin TherouxJustin Theroux(età:29)
(timothy bryce)
Bill SageBill Sage(età:38)
(david van patten)
Josh LucasJosh Lucas(età:29)
(craig mcdermott)
Reese WitherspoonReese Witherspoon(età:24)
(evelyn williams)
Chloe SevignyChloe Sevigny(età:26)
Samantha MathisSamantha Mathis(età:30)
(courtney rawlinson)
Matt RossMatt Ross(età:30)
(luis carruthers)
Cara SeymourCara Seymour(età:36)
Guinevere Turner(età:32)
Stephen BogaertStephen Bogaert(età:33)
(harold carnes)
Reg E. CatheyReg E. Cathey(età:42)

Technical staff

John CaleJohn Calemusiche
Andrew Marcusmontatore
Isis Mussendencostumista
Gideon Pontescenografo
Andrzej SekulaAndrzej Sekuladirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)

Music tracks of the soundtrack