Database of cinema, music, history and literature

american school (2000)

Original title: loser
Production: USA|98 min|
Comedy, Romantic
paul is a provincial who gets a scholarship for the university of new york. his clumsy ways and his mountain clothing make him an outcast and so the girl he falls in love with, dora, doesn't consider him at all. in turn, dora is paid by the professor she is in love with. inevitably, paul and dora will make friends.


Amy HeckerlingAmy Heckerlingregista

Production and Screenplay

Amy HeckerlingAmy Heckerlingproduttore
Amy HeckerlingAmy Heckerlingsceneggiatore
Twink CaplanTwink Caplanproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Greg KinnearGreg Kinnear(età:37)
(prof. edward alcott)
Jason BiggsJason Biggs(età:22)
(Paul Tannek)
Dan AykroydDan Aykroyd(età:48)
(padre di paul)
Greg KinnearGreg Kinnear(età:37)
(professor Edward Alcott)
Zak OrthZak Orth(età:30)
Thomas SadoskiThomas Sadoski(età:24)
Jimmi SimpsonJimmi Simpson(età:25)
Robert Miano(età:58)
Colleen CampColleen Camp(età:47)
Steven WrightSteven Wright(età:45)
David SpadeDavid Spade(età:36)
Twink CaplanTwink Caplan(età:53)
Bobby Slayton(età:45)
Andy DickAndy Dick(età:35)
Mena SuvariMena Suvari(età:21)
Noah DanbyNoah Danby(età:26)

Technical staff

David Kitaymusiche
Debra Chiatemontatore
Rob Hahndirettore della fotografia
Steven J. Jordanscenografo

Music tracks of the soundtrack