amityville horror (2005)
Original title: amityville horror
Production: USA|90 min
Dramatic, Thriller
This movie is episode 9 of the series amityville composed by:
Origin of the subject
dal libro: the amityville horror (1977, Jay Anson)
Andrew Douglas: regista
Production and Screenplay
Sandor Stern: sceneggiatore
Scott Kosar: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
george lutz
Ryan Reynolds(età:29)
kathy lutz
Melissa George(età:29)
Rachel Nichols(età:25)
billy lutz
Jesse James(età:16)
michael lutz
Jimmy Bennett(età:9)
chelsea lutz
Chloë Grace moretz(età:8)
padre callaway
Philip Baker Hall(età:74)
jodie defeo
ronald defeo jr.
capo della polizia
er doctor
ufficiale greguski
Greg Nicotero(età:42)
Technical staff
Christian Wagner: montatore
Peter Lyons Collister: direttore della fotografia
Greg Nicotero: truccatore
Howard Berger: truccatore
Roger Barton: montatore
Steve Jablonsky: musiche
Jennifer Williams: scenografo
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2005)
Furio Pergolani Voice of Jesse James
Sergio Lucchetti Voice of Rich Komenich
Alex Polidori Voice of Jimmy Bennett
Federica De Bortoli Voice of Rachel Nichols
Lucrezia Marricchi Voice of Chloë Grace moretz
Riccardo Rossi Voice of Ryan Reynolds
Bruno Alessandro Voice of Philip Baker Hall