Database of cinema, music, history and literature

amore imperiale (1941)

Original title: amore imperiale
Production: Italy|97 min| black and white|
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
the princess elizabeth of russia, grandson of the empress, falls in love, reciprocated, with a shepherd, who for his sake enlist in the army as a soldier of the guard to be promoted, shortly afterwards, an officer. the young man also foils a plot hatched by the prime minister and an accomplice of his, a plot intended to take the throne away from the future empress of russia. everything will be fine with the culprits arrested and the two young, happy, united in marriage.


Production and Screenplay

Alexander Volkovsceneggiatore
ManGiuseppe Zuccasceneggiatore
Gaetano Amatasceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

principessa Elisabetta di Russia
Luisa FeridaLuisa Ferida(età:27)
Alessio Rosmowski
Claudio GoraClaudio Gora(età:28)
contessa Naritsckina
Laura NucciLaura Nucci(età:28)
Biron, primo ministro
imperatrice Anna
conte Vassili, prefetto di palazzo
Ennio CerlesiEnnio Cerlesi(età:40)
consigliere della contessa
luigi erminio d'olivo
Orloff, ufficiale cosacco
nino marchesini
rolando costantino
giulio battiferri
eugenio duse
Eugenio DuseEugenio Duse(età:52)
franca belli
edoardo grandi
leonia celli

Technical staff

Mario AlbertelliMario Albertellidirettore della fotografia
ManRenzo Lucidimontatore
Angelo Zagamescenografo
Boris Bilinskycostumista
Boris Bilinskyscenografo
Cesare Origodirettore di produzione
Giuseppe BecceGiuseppe Beccemusiche