Database of cinema, music, history and literature

an even break (1917)

Original title: an even break
Production: USA|50 min| |
Dramatic, Comedy


Lambert HillyerLambert Hillyerregista

Production and Screenplay

Lambert HillyerLambert Hillyersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Olive ThomasOlive Thomas(età:23)
(claire curtis)
Charles GunnCharles Gunn(età:34)
(jimmie strang)
Charles GunnCharles Gunn(età:34)
(charles gunn)
Darrell Foss(età:25)
(ralph harding)
Charles K. frenchCharles K. french(età:57)
(david harding)
J. Frank burke(età:50)
(luther collins)
Louis Durham(età:40)
Adolphe MenjouAdolphe Menjou(età:27)
(comparsa (non accreditato))