Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Angel-A (2005)

Original title: angel-a
Production: France|91 min| black and white
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Angel-A
andré is a vagabond without art or part but with a noble and generous heart. one day andré meets a beautiful blonde, angel-a, a heavenly creature who came to earth in the guise of a scandinavian woman, to help him regain lost dignity and self-confidence.


Luc BessonLuc Bessonregista

Production and Screenplay

Luc BessonLuc Bessonproduttore
Luc BessonLuc Bessonsceneggiatore
Mehdi Sayahproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Gilbert Melki(età:47)
Rie Rasmussen(età:29)
Todd Thaler(età:48)

Technical staff

Thierry ArbogastThierry Arbogastdirettore della fotografia
Martine Rapincostumista
Jacques Bufnoirscenografo
Cora Sue Collinsparrucchiere
Anja GarbarekAnja Garbarekmusiche
Frederic Thoravalmontatore
Stephanie Pedelacqmontatore
Diane Durocparrucchiere
Swan Phamcasting
Beya Gasmiparrucchiere
Stephan Maraistruccatore
Delphine Duguettruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)