Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Vigil in the Night (1940)

Original title: vigil in the night
Production: USA|96 min| black and white
Poster of movie Vigil in the Night
a nurse loses her job after selflessly taking the blame for a fatal mistake her sister and co-worker made; she is subsequently employed at a poorly-equipped hospital, where she finds romance and tragedy.

Origin of the subject


George StevensGeorge Stevensregista

Production and Screenplay

George StevensGeorge Stevensproduttore
Rowland Leighsceneggiatore
Fred GuiolFred Guiolsceneggiatore
P.J. Wolfsonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Anne ShirleyAnne Shirley(età:22)
(Lucy Lee)
Carole LombardCarole Lombard(età:32)
(anne lee)
Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:27)
(joe shand)
Brian AherneBrian Aherne(età:38)
(dr. robert prescott)
Julien Mitchell(età:52)
(matthew bowley)
Robert CooteRobert Coote(età:31)
(dr. caley)
Brenda ForbesBrenda Forbes(età:31)
(nora dunn)
Doris LloydDoris Lloyd(età:44)
(martha bowley)
Emily FitzroyEmily Fitzroy(età:80)
(sister gilson)
Wallis ClarkWallis Clark(età:58)
Charles HallCharles Hall(età:41)
Colin KennyColin Kenny(età:52)
May Beatty(età:60)
Jack Gargan(età:40)
Tom Quinn(età:37)
Tiny Jones(età:65)
Helena Grant(età:61)
Rita Page(età:35)

Technical staff

Alfred NewmanAlfred Newmanmusiche
Walter PlunkettWalter Plunkettcostumista
Van Nest PolglaseVan Nest Polglasescenografo
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silveraarredatore
Henry Bermanmontatore
Robert De grasseRobert De grassedirettore della fotografia