Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Angels in the Endzone (1997)

Original title: angels in the endzone
Production: Canada, USA|120 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Sports
Poster of movie Angels in the Endzone
al the angel returns, but this time he visits a small town and manages to halt the losing tradition of the high school football team, also changing forever the lives of two young brothers who have recently lost their father.
This movie is episode 2 of the series Angels composed by:


Gary Nadeauregista

Production and Screenplay

Roger Birnbaumproduttore esecutivo
Irby Smithproduttore
Alan Eisenstocksceneggiatore
Larry Mintzsceneggiatore
Gary Stutmanproduttore
Richard L. o'connorproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

coach buck
Paul DooleyPaul Dooley(età:69)
jesse harper
kevin harper
peter harper
Jack ColemanJack Coleman(età:39)
grace harper
al, capo degli angeli
angelo #1
Ken KirzingerKen Kirzinger(età:38)
angelo #3 (accreditato come david paul grove)
David AvalonDavid Avalon(età:39)
angelo #4
James Hibbard(età:54)
angelo #5
Jason Emanuel(età:21)
Campbell Lane(età:62)
ufficiale (accreditato come alfred humphreys)
dottor frick
Gary JonesGary Jones(età:39)

Technical staff

Jeff Freemanmontatore
Thomas M.bronsoncostumista
Nancy Fordscenografo
Lisa Lovetruccatore
David Fischerscenografo
Ron Orieuxdirettore della fotografia
Rita CiccozziRita Ciccozzitruccatore
Malcolm Marsdenparrucchiere
Jason la Paduracasting
Lynne Carrowcasting
Natalie Hartcasting
Lindsay Walkercasting