Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Anita no perd el tren (2001)

Original title: anita no perd el tren
Production: Spain|89 min
Comedy, Dramatic
Poster of movie Anita no perd el tren
anita has been working at a cinema box office for almost three decades, but the building is demolished to give way to a cinema complex, and she is forced into early retirement because she does not fit into the new company's image.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Ventura PonsVentura Ponsregista

Production and Screenplay

Ventura PonsVentura Ponsproduttore
Ventura PonsVentura Ponssceneggiatore
Lluís-Anton Baulenassceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

bessona 1
bessona 2
anita nena
veu de cine 1
veu de cine 2
veu de cine 3
veu de cine 4
Albert SalmiAlbert Salmi(età:73)
Jordi Dauder(età:63)
Aina ClotetAina Clotet(età:19)
David Janer(età:28)
Roger ComaRoger Coma(età:25)
Josep Julien(età:35)
Borja Tous(età:24)

Technical staff

Carles Casesmusiche
Pep Armengolcasting
María Gilcostumista
Maru Errandotruccatore
Mario Monterodirettore della fotografia
Pere Abadalmontatore
Bel·lo Torrasscenografo
Natalia Montoyatruccatore
Ángela Casillascostumista
Salvi De la Pozaparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing