Database of cinema, music, history and literature

antichrist (2009)

Original title: antichrist
Production: Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Polonia, Sweden|104 min
Horror, Dramatic, Grotesque
Poster of movie antichrist

Festivals and awards


Lars Von TrierLars Von Trierregista

Production and Screenplay

Andrea OcchipintiAndrea Occhipintiproduttore
Anders Thomas JensenAnders Thomas Jensensceneggiatore
Lars Von TrierLars Von Triersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Charlotte GainsbourgCharlotte Gainsbourg(età:38)
Willem DafoeWillem Dafoe(età:54)

Technical staff

Anders Refnmontatore
Anthony Dod Mantledirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)