Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Apnée (2016)

Original title: apnée
Production: France|89 min
Poster of movie Apnée
celine, thomas and maxence they want to get married, a house, a job, and good children, they ride their quads and fire through a crushed france in search of new landmarks, strewn deserts bipeds and fleeting moments of happiness.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Jean-Christophe Meurissesceneggiatore
Emmanuel Chaumetproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Claire Nadeau(età:71)

Technical staff

Carole Le Pagemontatore
Javier Ruiz Gomezdirettore della fotografia
Sven Kufferscenografo
Sven Kufferarredatore
Hervé Redoulesscenografo
Hervé Redoulesarredatore
Elisabeth Cerqueiracostumista
Antoine Manciniparrucchiere