Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Arrêtez-moi (2013)

Original title: arrêtez-moi
Production: France|99 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Crime
Poster of movie Arrêtez-moi
this is a story about a strange woman who came to police to confess that she killed her husband years ago.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Jean Michel Reyproduttore
Philippe Liegeoisproduttore esecutivo
Jean-Paul Lilienfeldsceneggiatore
Nicolas Steilproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Marc Barbé(età:52)
la colpevole
tenente pontoise
Yann Ebonge(età:22)
tenente pontoise giovane
Eric GodonEric Godon(età:54)
Jenny CleveJenny Cleve(età:83)

Technical staff

Pascal Rabauddirettore della fotografia
Claudine Moureaudtruccatore
Claudine Moureaudparrucchiere
Alexis Kinebanyantruccatore
André Dziezukmusiche
Aurique Delannoymontatore
Lieven Baesarredatore
Céline Vhparrucchiere
Matthieu Gonetmusiche
Nathalie Wartelarredatore
Doriane Flamandcasting