Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Arrivederci Roma [corto] (1990)

Original title: arrivederci roma
Production: Belgium, France, UK, Italy, Spain, USA|26 min| short
Comedy, Romantic
a famous american cantanet, during the journey that takes him to rome, where he goes to join his girlfriend carol, meets raffaella. in the capital the singer finds cousin beppe, a night pianist, and starts performing with him, before being engaged for important concerts. after discovering that his girlfriend is betraying him, he binds to raffaella who, meanwhile, has met again.


Clive DonnerClive Donnerregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Brodie boothsceneggiatore
Maurizio Anticoliproduttore
Alessandro Fracassiproduttore
Nicolas Alexandersceneggiatore
Patrizia De crescenzoproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Nicola FarronNicola Farron(età:26)

Technical staff

ManMario Morramontatore
Michel LegrandMichel Legrandmusiche
Carlo SiliottoCarlo Siliottomusiche
Giuseppe RuzzoliniGiuseppe Ruzzolinidirettore della fotografia
Vera Cozzolinocostumista
Francesco FrigeriFrancesco Frigeriscenografo
Gino Tamagninitruccatore
Lorenzo Ceraparrucchiere