Database of cinema, music, history and literature

As I Open My Eyes (2015)

Original title: à peine j'ouvre les yeux
102 min
Poster of movie As I Open My Eyes
a few months before the revolution in tunisia, 18 year-old farah has a passion for life and sings in a political rock band. her mother, knowing the dangers of tunisia, wants her to pursue a career as a doctor.

Festivals and awards


Leyla Bouzidregista

Production and Screenplay

Leyla Bouzidsceneggiatore
Marie-Sophie Chambonsceneggiatore
Nathalie Mesuretproduttore
Bertrand Goreproduttore
Sandra Da fonsecaproduttore
Imed Marzoukproduttore
Anthony Reyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters


Technical staff

Lilian Corbeillemontatore
Sébastien Goepfertdirettore della fotografia
Khyam Allamimusiche
Raouf Hilouiscenografo
Nadia Ananecostumista
Hajer Bouhawalatruccatore
Hajer Bouhawalaparrucchiere