Database of cinema, music, history and literature

As You Are (2016)

Original title: as you are
110 min
Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie As You Are

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Matthew Heldermanproduttore
Brent Stiefelproduttore
Miles Joris-Peyrafittesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Scott CohenScott Cohen(età:55)
Andrew PolkAndrew Polk(età:54)

Technical staff

Rebecca Dealycasting
Jessica Kellycasting
Lexan Rossertruccatore
Adriana Andaluztruccatore
Caleb Heymanndirettore della fotografia
Miyako Bellizzicostumista
Abbi Jutkowitzmontatore
Allison Littrellarredatore