Database of cinema, music, history and literature

at the earth's core (1976)

Original title: at the earth's core
Production: UK, USA|89 min
Science fiction, Fantasy, Adventure
Poster of movie at the earth's core
a victorian era scientist and his assistant take a test run in their iron mole drilling machine and end up in a strange underground labyrinth ruled by a species of giant telepathic bird and full of prehistoric monsters and cavemen.
This movie is episode 2 of the series land that time forgot composed by:

Origin of the subject


Kevin ConnorKevin Connorregista

Production and Screenplay

Milton SubotskyMilton Subotskyproduttore
Milton SubotskyMilton Subotskysceneggiatore
John Darkproduttore
Max J.rosenbergproduttore
Harry N. blumproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

david innes
Doug McClureDoug McClure(età:41)
dottor abner perry
Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:63)
Keith Barron(età:42)
Cy Grant(età:57)
Godfrey James(età:45)
capo sagoth
Bobby Parr(età:34)

Technical staff

John IrelandJohn Irelandmontatore
Mike Vicke--musiche
Barry Pete--montatore
Alan HumeAlan Humedirettore della fotografia
Maurice Carterscenografo
Ian Wingroveeffetti speciali
Bert Daveyscenografo
Neville Smallwoodtruccatore
Barry Petersmontatore
Joan Carpenterparrucchiere
Mike Vickersmusiche
Michael Vickersmusiche
Robin Granthamtruccatore