Database of cinema, music, history and literature

august: osage county (2013)

Original title: august: osage county
Production: USA|130 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie august: osage county

Festivals and awards

Oscar 2014 - nomination miglior attrice
Assigned to: Meryl Streep


John WellsJohn Wellsregista

Production and Screenplay

Grant HeslovGrant Heslovproduttore
George ClooneyGeorge Clooneyproduttore
Jean Doumanianproduttore
Harvey WeinsteinHarvey Weinsteinproduttore
Tracy LettsTracy Lettssceneggiatore
Steve Traxlerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

violet weston
Meryl StreepMeryl Streep(età:64)
barbara weston
Julia RobertsJulia Roberts(età:46)
bill fordham
Ewan McGregorEwan McGregor(età:42)
charles aiken
Chris CooperChris Cooper(età:62)
jean fordham
“little” charles aiken
karen weston
mattie fae aiken
ivy weston
steve heidebrecht
beverly weston
Sam ShepardSam Shepard(età:70)
johnna monevata
Misty UphamMisty Upham(età:31)
dr. burke
"little" charles aiken
mattie fae allen
steve heiderbecht

Technical staff

Stephen MirrioneStephen Mirrionemontatore
Adriano Goldmandirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2013)

Francesco PrandoFrancesco Prando Voice of steve heiderbecht
Rita SavagnoneRita Savagnone Voice of mattie fae allen