Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Aupa Etxebeste! (2005)

Original title: aupa etxebeste!
97 min
Poster of movie Aupa Etxebeste!
patricio etxebeste owns a beret-making factory. an important local figure, he is standing for mayor in the upcoming elections. what nobody knows is that he is completely ruined and can't even pay for his yearly holiday.

Festivals and awards


Asier Altunaregista
Telmo Esnalregista

Production and Screenplay

Asier Altunasceneggiatore
Telmo Esnalsceneggiatore
Pablo Buenosceneggiatore
Xabier Berzosaproduttore
Iñaki Gómezproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Luis TosarLuis Tosar(età:34)
Elena IruretaElena Irureta(età:50)

Technical staff

Javier Agirredirettore della fotografia
Javi Pezmusiche
Pite Piñasmontatore