Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Ava (2017)

Original title: ava
105 min
Poster of movie Ava
13-year-old ava learns that she will lose her sight sooner than expected, and she confronts the problem in her own way.

Festivals and awards


Léa Mysiusregista

Production and Screenplay

Jean-Louis Liviproduttore
Léa Mysiussceneggiatore
Léa Mysiusdialoghi
Paul Guilhaumesceneggiatore
Fanny Yvonnetproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Laure CalamyLaure Calamy(età:42)
Noée AbitaNoée Abita(età:18)

Technical staff

Sarah Parisettruccatore
Judith Chaliercasting
Paul Guilhaumedirettore della fotografia
Pierre Deschampsmontatore
Esther Mysiusscenografo
Élisa Ingrassiacostumista