Database of cinema, music, history and literature

azzurro (2000)

Original title: azzurro
Production: France, Italy, Switzerland|85 min|
giuseppe dattola is an elderly gentleman who has lived in switzerland for a long time and trusts the people of switzerland. his granddaughter is blind, but could only recover her sight by an expensive operation. in secret from the family the two run away to geneva, hoping for a loan from the old master, in debt with giuseppe.


Denis Rabaliaregista
Denis Rabagliaregista

Production and Screenplay

Gherardo Paglieiproduttore
Denis Rabaliasceneggiatore
Antoine Jacquodsceneggiatore
Chris Bolzliproduttore
Antoine Jaccoudsceneggiatore
Denis Rabagliasceneggiatore
Luca De benedittissceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Giuseppe Dattola
giuseppe de metrio
nipotina di Giuseppe
carla de metrio
elizabeth broyer
gaston broyer
Renato ScarpaRenato Scarpa(età:61)
pascal broyer
roberto de metrio
lucia de metrio
Tom NovembreTom Novembre(età:41)
prof papaleo
female nurse
Anna FerruzzoAnna Ferruzzo(età:34)

Technical staff

Claudio Di mauroClaudio Di mauromontatore
Dominique Groszdirettore della fotografia
Fabrizio Nicorascenografo
Louis Creliermusiche