Database of cinema, music, history and literature

boxer rebellion (1976)

Original title: ba guo lian jun
Production: Hong Kong|73 min
Action, Dramatic, Martial arts
Poster of movie boxer rebellion
set in china, at the height of the boxer rebellion, a group of fearless chinese patriots, armed with just their fists and bare feet try to ward off the incursion from european invaders.


Chang ChehChang Chehregista

Production and Screenplay

Chang ChehChang Chehsceneggiatore
Kuang Nisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Hark-on Fung(età:28)
Chi Kuan-chun(età:27)
Ti Lu(età:52)
Li Li Hua(età:52)
Sheng Fu(età:22)
Ka-Yan Leung(età:27)
Wang Lung Wei(età:27)
Jenny Tseng(età:23)
Chia-Hui LiuChia-Hui Liu(età:25)
Han Chiang(età:56)
Tao Chiang(età:34)

Technical staff

Yung Yu-chenmusiche
Mu-to Kungdirettore della fotografia
Ting Hung kuomontatore
Yung Huangcostumista
Chi Licostumista