Database of cinema, music, history and literature

After the Battle (2012)

Original title: baad el mawkeaa
Production: France|124 min
Dramatic, Storico
Poster of movie After the Battle

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Yousry Nasrallahsceneggiatore
Yousry Nasrallahscrittore
Omar Shamasceneggiatore
Omar Shamascrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Bassem Samra(età:41)
haj abdallah
Menna ShalabiMenna Shalabi(età:30)

Technical staff

Nahed Nasrallahcostumista
Tamer Karawanmusiche
Mohammed Atteyascenografo
Samir Bahzandirettore della fotografia
Mona Rabeimontatore