Database of cinema, music, history and literature

babar (1989)

Original title: babar: the movie
Production: USA|70 min|
Action, Animation, Adventure


Alan Bunceregista

Production and Screenplay

Raymond Jafelicesceneggiatore
Michael Hirshsceneggiatore
J.d. Smithsceneggiatore
John De kleinsceneggiatore
Patrick Loubertsceneggiatore
Peter Saudersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

re babar
regina celeste
Sarah PolleySarah Polley(età:10)

Technical staff

Milan Kymlickamusiche
Ted Bastienscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)

Nando GazzoloNando Gazzolo Voice of re babar

Version Originale(1989)

Amos Crawley Voice of Alexander
Elizabeth Hanna Voice of regina celeste
Lisa Yamanaka Voice of Isabelle
Bobby Becken Voice of pom
Marsha Moreau Voice of Flora
Gordon PinsentGordon Pinsent Voice of re babar