Database of cinema, music, history and literature

bachelor party (1984)

Original title: bachelor party
Production: USA|104 min|


Neal IsraelNeal Israelregista

Production and Screenplay

Neal IsraelNeal Israelsceneggiatore
Pat ProftPat Proftsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

rick gassko
Tom HanksTom Hanks(età:28)
debbie thompson
Tawny KitaenTawny Kitaen(età:23)
jay o'neill
Adrian ZmedAdrian Zmed(età:30)
mr. thompson
Mrs. Thompson
cole whittier
dr. stan gassko
dr. tina gassko
Gary Grossman(età:34)
suor maria francis

Technical staff

Robert Folkmusiche
Martin Pricescenografo
Tom Wallsmontatore
Barry Schleifermusiche
Hal Trusselldirettore della fotografia
Kevin Conlinscenografo
Tom Jenkinsmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1984)